Kaowong Sticky Rice

Kaowong Sticky Rice Since: 2000

Corporate Status: Sole Proprietary
Business Type: Retail, Processor, Exporter, Service Provider
Business Sector:
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Contact address:

Fax.+66 43 820868
AddressQ – Shop, Office of Agriculture and Coopera, 46000
Kaowong Kalasin Stick rice is a traditional type of sticky rice and RD6 sticky rice. Kaowong Kalasin sticky rice is qualified for its soft and sweet taste. When the rice is cooked, the softness and sweetness can last for one day. The rice is a part of Phu Thai people’s way of life.
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No data available at this moment but coming soon
No data available at this moment but coming soon

Focal Contact

Name Surname Division/Dept. Position Mobile Tel Email
1 Ms. Mantana Leksomboon +66 89 8411499 +66 43 820868 [email protected]