Mai Linh Hue One Member Company Ltd

Mai Linh Hue One Member Company Ltd Since: 1994

Corporate Status: Other
Business Type:
Business Sector:
No. of employee:

Contact address:

Fax.(84.54) 3824848
Address177 Phan Dinh Phung, Phu Nhuan Ward, Hue City
Mai Linh Hue Co, Ltd is a member of Company Group Mai Linh. Mai Linh is popularly known as a famous brand in Vietnam. To continuously improve its service, the company conducts annual training for staff and driver on service skills and safe driving. Mai Li
Target markets
Company promotion materials
Trade capacity

Contact detail
Focal contact
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Location on Map
No data available at this moment but coming soon
No data available at this moment but coming soon
No data available at this moment but coming soon

Focal Contact

Name Surname Division/Dept. Position Mobile Tel Email
1 Doan Van Quang Director (84.54) 3898989 / 38 (84.54) 3898989 / 38 [email protected]