Srimuangthong Central Market

Srimuangthong Central Market Since: 2004

Corporate Status: Other
Business Type: Producer, Exporter, Service Provider
Business Sector:
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Contact address:

Address181 Mittaparp Road, Tumbon Naimuang, , 40000
The company called fruit and vegetable Srimuangthong market is aim on being the center of distributing products to the Northeast and other neighbor countries in order to cut down cost and to expand markets for agriculturists. Products are divided in many categorizes and they are kept with their same type in each buildings including an office building, a parking, building for fruit and vegetable and a cold storage. There are 2 comfortable ways for entrance and exit on Mittaparp Road's and Laow Na Dee Road's sides and it is available for 100 cars parking. There have a stream system for reducing heat, CCTV, 24-hr security guards, a scale service, a cold storage for keeping products quality, and an electronic broad for products price show.
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Contact detail
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No data available at this moment but coming soon
No data available at this moment but coming soon
No data available at this moment but coming soon

Focal Contact

Name Surname Division/Dept. Position Mobile Tel Email
1 Rumphamart Teekathananon Managing Director +66(0)819751177, [email protected]