The Federation of Thai Industries, Phitsanulok Chapter

The Federation of Thai Industries, Phitsanulok Chapter Since: 2002

Non-governmental and non-profit organizations (NGO & NPO)
Phitsanulok , THAILAND


Hotline+66 (0) 55 216 966
Address292 Moo 1, Sukhothai - Nakhon Sawan Road, Ban Krang Subdistrict, Muang District, 65000
Main contact Mr. Nathakorn Sochindamanee, President

History of the Federation of Industries Phitsanulok Province

The Federation of Thai Industries, Phitsanulok Chapter founded on July 23, 2002, is the 54th country of Thailand, within the framework of the Federation of Thai Industries. By supporting the Ministry of Industry's strategic plan and implementing the vision, mission, strategy, objective, and strategy for the Implementation of the Ministry, the Mission Group, and the Departmental or Departmental Approach to be consistent with the situation of the country. In line with the national development strategy under the National Economic and Social Development Plan No.10 (2007-2011) and in line with the government policy.

From this strategic plan, the Ministry of Industry has carried out the principle of participatory public administration by providing extensive brainstorming between the executives and representatives of the internal industry and external stakeholders, representatives of relevant government agencies, representatives from private and industry organizations As well as independent academics, resulting in operational strategies that reflect the needs of the target audience and integrate approaches. The operation with the public sector, the private sector as well as local administration organizations clearly. It is beneficial to the alliance of the Ministry of Industry both in the public and private sectors in order to jointly promote the development of the industry in order to jointly push forward the development of the country's industry.


To be core to strengthen the Thai industry to be able to compete internationally for sustainable economic, social and environmental development.

Mission and Key responsibility:

  1. To be a center for the members of the Federation.
  2. To represent the group members in coordinating policies and operations between group members and the state.
  3. To be a place for group members to exchange opinions on the benefits of the industry.
  4. To foster friendship and cooperation among industry stakeholders.
  5. To research, promote, and training, to develop the domestic industry and cable to compete with foreign products.
  6. To take any action that promotes cooperation and coordination between industry and government, suppliers and consumers.
  7. For solidarity in the prevention and promotion of the stability and the interests of the domestic industry.
  8. To encourage all types of products to be reliable and standard.
  9. To encourage more industrial operators and higher performance
  10. Co-ordinate with members of the council and other members to carry out the objectives of the Federation.
  11. To promote and find a channel to support domestic industrial products and expanding domestic and overseas distribution markets.
  12. Other as determined by the Federation.

Leadership team:

  • President: Mr. Nathakorn Sochindamanee
  • Vice President: 8 Vice Presidents
  • Vice President and Secretary General: Mr. Weeraphong Rungsriwattana
  • Public Relations and Vice Secretary General: Ms. Chavita Simasathien
  • Treasurer: Mr. Thanitsak Inkakittiroj
  • Advisory Committee: 3 committees
No data available at this moment but coming soon
No data available at this moment but coming soon

Location Map